Counselling schedule for All Post Graduate MD/MS Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Homoeopathy Courses
Counselling schedule for All Post Graduate MD/MS (Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani & Homoeopathy) Courses during the academic year 2019-20 under All India Quota, Deemed University, Central University, National Institutes and State Counselling will be as per the schedule
First round of Counselling :
16th August - 23rd August 2019 - (Central Counseling, Deemed University, Central University, National Institutes)
21st August - 28th September, 2019 - (State Counselling)
Round 1 Extension Notification>>>
Notification Regarding Stipend and College Fees>>>
Round 1 Extension Notification>>>
Notification Regarding Stipend and College Fees>>>
Download Schedule>>>
List of ASU & H Colleges with their Fees for Different Courses>>>
Ayurveda Merit Result>>
Homoeopathy Merit List>>>
Siddha Merit Result>>>
Unani Merit List>>>
List of ASU & H Colleges with their Fees for Different Courses>>>
Ayurveda Merit Result>>
Homoeopathy Merit List>>>
Siddha Merit Result>>>
Unani Merit List>>>
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