Research coordinator Vacancy in PGIMER, Chandigarh
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Chandigarh (PGIMER Chandigarh) invites application from Indian citizens for the following posts
1. Clinical Research Coordinator - 1 post
2. Back up Research Coordinator - 1 post
Qualification: Master Degree in Pharmacology/ Life Science/ BDS/ BHMS/ BAMS
Salary: Rs.18,000 - Rs.31,000 /-
Last date of receiving Application form is: 23-01-2021
How to Apply: Eligible candidates should send application duly filled in all respect along with required documents and send through Ordinary Post only to the given address. The candidate should clearly mention the post which apply i.e "'Application for the position of__' Research Coordinator (Department of Neurology)
Room No 18, Department of Neurology,
Ground Floor, Block A, Nehru Hospital,
PGIMER, Chandigarh.
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