Ayurveda, Homoeo, Unani, Naturopathy Teaching Faculty Vacancy in Karnataka Government Ayush Medical Colleges
Department of Ayush, Government of Karnataka invites applications from eligible candidates/ Retired teaching faculty to fill the following vacant posts in Government AYUSH Medical Colleges in Karnataka as Consultant Teachers on temporary basis and on merit-cum-reservation
1. Assistant Professors (Ayurveda - 2, Homoeopathy - 1, Unani - 2, Naturopathy and Yoga - 11)
2. Associate Professors (Homoeopathy - 1, Unani - 1, Naturopathy and Yoga - 2)
3. Professors (Ayurveda - 20, Homoeopathy - 2, Unani - 3)
Assistant Professor - Rs.30,000/- per month
Associate Professor - Rs.33,000/- per month
Professor - Rs.35,000/- per month
Further details, regarding Number of Posts, Subject, Eligibility Reservation and Format for Application are available on the website www.karnataka.gov.in/Avush
Last date for applying: 11-10-2019 at
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