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    Nexus-2019, National Homoeopathic Seminar organized by MNR Homoeo College, Telangana

    MNR Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Sangareddy, Telangana Organizes Nexus-2019, National Seminar on Role of Homoeopathy in Autoimmune and Genetic Disorders

    Date: 15-02-2019 (Fri) and 16-02-2019 (Sat)

    Venue: MNR Auditorium, MNR AHER Campus, Sangareddy, Telangana

    Speakers and Topics: 
    1. Dr. Mohana Vamsy Ch - An Overview of the Management of Common Cancers

    2. Dr. N. Srinivas Rao - Scope of Homoeopathy on Rare Diseases
    3.  Dr. Biju - Evidence based Treatment Protocol for Autoimmune Diseases especially SLE, RA

    4. Dr. Praveen Kumar - Homoeopathic
    Management in HIV/AIDS

    5. Dr. Ajit Kulkarni - From case to concept: A case of RA with Prospective of Body

    6. Dr. Tapas Kundu - Homoeopathic Management of Immuno Genetic Diseases in India, an Interdisciplinary Research Model

    Fee Details:
    UG/PG Students - Rs.750.00 
    Doctors - Rs.1250.00

    Account no: 1723102000002288, (IDBI Bank)
    IFSC: IBKL0001723, Sangareddy Branch

    Visit: http://mnrhmc.mnrindia.org for Registration Forms

    Last Date for Registration: 31-01-2019

    Contact Details:
    For Registration:
    Dr.Gayatri Prasad - 9948934043, 
    Dr.Sathish Kumar - 9894562972

    For Hospitality: 
    Dr.S.Kumbhejkar - 9422472860, 
    Dr.Suman - 9866769814

    For Advertisement: 
    Dr.Venkateshwara Rao - 7093331774, 
    Dr.Chandra Sekhar -  7995682124

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