Homoeo Medical Officer Jobs in NHM, Assam
Online applications are invited from the candidates willing to work in mission mode for engagement on Contractual Basis for the following posts in different programmes under NHM, Assam.
Name of the Post: Medical Officer (Homoeopathy)
No of posts: 14
Educational Qualification: BHMS Degree / DHMS from a Homoeopathic Medical College recognized by Central Council of Homoeopathy and registered with Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine, Assam / Central Council of Homoeopathy.
Pay: Rs.22,000 /-
How to apply: Candidates have to apply online in the NHM, Assam website www.nrhmassam.in . Only short listed candidates will be called for interview for which no TA/DA will be paid.
Online application will be received till 12/09/2016. Candidates without the above qualification need not apply.
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