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    Homoeopathy Physician Vacancy in ESIC, Kerala

      esic kollam

    The Medical Superintendent, ESIC Hospital, Ezhukone, Kollam, Kerala invites eligible candidates for walk in interview for the following post

    Name of the post: Homoeopathy Physician

    No. of Posts: 01 post

    Qualification: Degree in Homeopathy from Recognised university/ Statutory Board/ Council or equivalent recognised under HCC, SET 1973. Preference will be given to candidates having Post graduation.

    Duties: To work for 6 hours on weekdays and  4 hours on Saturday

    Age: Not exceeding 35 years

    Remuneration: Rs.50,000/- per month (consolidated)

    Application Fee: 
    Rs. 250/- for General and OBC Candidates Rs. 50/- for SC/ST candidates by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of ESI Saving Fund Account No.1 payable at SBI Keralapuram Branch.

    Date and Time of Walk in Interview21-06-2024 at 10.00am

    Website: www.esic.nic.in

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