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    Digital Health Incentive Scheme for Healthcare Providers

    The National Health Authority (NHA) is implementing Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) to create digital health eco system for the country.

    ABDM intends to support different healthcare facilities like clinics, diagnostic centers,

    hospitals, and laboratories in adopting the ABDM ecosystem to make available the benefits of digital health for all the citizens of India.

    Although there has been unprecedented growth in digital health records over the past few months, there is huge potential for further growth as healthcare continues to be offered non digitally on a significant scale. To give further boost to digital health transactions in the country, it has been decided by the NHA to incentivize the stakeholders of the digital health ecosystem. This initiative would also provide the right encouragement to the majority of healthcare providers for adopting digital health and also to the providers of digital health solutions such as Hospital / Health Management Information System (HMIS) and Laboratory Management Information System (LMIS) to make available the right software at an affordable cost.

    NHA has launched DHIS for digitization of patient's health records. DHIS is effective from 1st January 2023.

    The policy of the Digital Health Incentive Scheme DHIS of ABDM has been revised, and now all health facilities registered with HFR and DSCs can earn an Incentive of up to Rs.4 Crore.

    Who all are eligible?

    •  All Health facilities like Clinics, Nursing Homes & Hospitals.
    • Laboratory / Radiology diagnostics centres.
    • Entities providing ABDM enabled digital solutions (Digital Solution Companies)

    How to register: 

    For Health Facilities: The registration link for the health facilities is being created in the pre-existing Health Facility Registration (HFR) portal. Facilities already registered in HFR can register for DHIS directly, while others would first need to register on the HFR portal. 

    For registration on DHIS following information / documents are required: 

    1. Bank Account details 

    a. Name of Account Holder 

    b. Bank Account number 

    c. Name and address of Bank Branch 

    d. IFSC code of the branch 

    e. Attach cancelled cheque 

    f. Attach entity mandate form as per undertaking form 

    2. PAN and copy of PAN card  

    For any specific clarifications National Health Authority could be contacted on abdm.incentive@nha.gov.in or abdm.incentives@nha.gov.in

    Website: https://abdm.gov.in/

    Read about Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission - Digital Transformation in Healthcare

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