Teaching Faculty Vacancy in JIMS Homoeo Medical College, Telangana
JIMS Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Hyderabad, Telangana invites applications from eligible candidates for the following posts
1. Associate Professor (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) - Full Time
Salary: The pay scale shall be as prescribed by the Government of Telangana State
Essential Qualifications:
Post Graduate qualification in Homoeopathy (The qualification shall be the one included in Second Schedule of Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973.) or Post Graduate Medical Degree in concerned subject recognized by the Medical Council of India.
Four years of teaching experience as Assistant professor/ Lecturer in the concerned subject in a Homoeopathic College/ Medical Institution of Degree level.
Desirable Qualification:
Experience as Supervisor/Co-supervisor or Guide/Co-Guide for Post Graduate Course in Homoeopathy.Research experience in a research institution recognized by the concerned University or State Government or Central Government.Original research papers publication.
Besides the subject knowledge the candidate shall involve the following attributes:
Aptitude for Teaching & Research. Homoeopathic orientation Ability to communicate effectively Ability to analyse and discuss Management skills
2. Assistant Professor (Pathology) - Full Time
Salary: The pay scale shall be as prescribed by the Government of Telangana State
Age Qualification:
Not more than 40 years as on the last date of receipt of application for the post. Age is relaxable by 5 years maximum for exceptionally qualified persons with prior approval of the University concerned. Provided that the teachers appointed on various cadres previously to this Notification in recognized Homoeopathic College shall be promoted as per the provisions of regulation under which they were appointed.
Essential Qualifications:
Post Graduate qualification in Homoeopathy. (The qualification shall be the one included in Second Schedule of Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973) or Post Graduate Medical Degree in concerned subject recognized by the Medical Council of India.
Desirable Qualification:
We prefer candidates who hold experience of working as R.M.O. and/or House Physicians in a Hospital attached to a Medical College permitted by Medical Council/ Central Council/ Central Government. We also encourage candidates who don’t have such experience to apply.
Besides the subject knowledge the candidate shall involve the following attributes:
Aptitude for Teaching & Research.Homoeopathic orientationAbility to communicate effectivelyAbility to analyse and discussManagement skills
The teaching staff appointed in any of the department shall have to work in the Attached hospitals or peripheral OPD’s of the college.
Source: www.redhired.com
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