Teaching Faculty Vacancy in Homoeopathy University, Jaipur
Homoeopathy University, Jaipur invites applications from eligible candidates for the following posts
Name of the Post: Assistant Professor
No. of Post: 03 (Pathology - 01, Community Medicine - 01, Paediatrics - 1)
Essential: M.D.(Hom.) in Homoeopathy.
The qualification shall be the one included in Second Schedule of Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973.
Desirable: Ph.D. in Homoeopathy.
Note: Preference will be given to NTET
cleared candidates.
Salary: As per University Norms
All the interested candidates fulfilling the above criteria may send their application to
Homoeopathy University,
Saipura, Sanganer,
Jaipur - 302029
or Email to: info@homoeopathyuniversity.org
Last Date: 08-07-2019
Interview Date: 10-07-2019 at administrative block of Homeopathy University, Jaipur from 11.00 am
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