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    Homoeopathic Physician Vacancy in ESIC, Gurugram, Haryana

    Homoeo jobs
    ESIC Model Hospital, Gurugram, Haryana invites eligible candidates for the following post

    Name of the Post: Homoeopathic  Physician (Contractual - Part Time)

    No. of Vacancies: 01

    Essential Qualification:
    1. Degree in Homeopathy of Recognized University /Statutory State Board/ Council or equivalent recognized under the Homeopathic council Act 1973 (59 of 73)
    2. Enrolment on the Central Register of Homeopathy or a State Registrar of Homeopathy.

    Age: Not exceeding 30 years as on interview date (Relaxation for SCISTIOBC/PH/Ex-Serviceman as per rules)

    Emoluments: Rs. 50,000/- per month consolidated

    How to apply:
    The eligible and desirous candidates, along with their application filled properly in prescribed Performa "Annexure-A" should appear for a walk-in-intrview with application.

    They should also bring two recent passport size photographs along with attested photocopies and originals of testimonials

    Date &Time of Interview: 24-05-2019 (Friday) at 09:00AM

    Terms & Conditions:
    1. The candidates must bring original documents for verification at 9:00 AM sharp on the date of interview.
    2. No TA/DA will be paid to candidates for appearing in the walk-in-interview
    3. Application fee submitted by the candidate is non-refundablie. 
    4. The number of posts may increase or decrease as per requirement and approval of Medical. 
    5. The Medical Superintendent reserves the right to alter the date or cancel the interview.

    At the time of joining selected candidates will have to sign "AGREEMENT" as per ESIC norms and the cost of stamp paper of Rs.100/- for "Agreement" will be borne by the candidate.

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