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    SRF Vacancy for Homoeopathy, Ayurveda Doctors in RMRIMS, Patna

    srf jobs
    Rajendra Memorial Research Institute of Medical Sciences(RMRIMS), Patna, invites suitable Indian candidates for walk-in-interview in the Institute premises for the newly established "Samrat Ashoka Tropical Disease Research Centre at RMRIMS

    Name of the Post: SRF Medico, SATDRC
    No. of post: One (Unreserved)

    Qualification/Experience: MBBS with one year Research experience or BHMS/BAMS one year Research Experience

    Age: 35 Years (Maximum)

    Remuneration: 25,000 + HRA per Month

    The interested candidate may turn up for interview/personal discussion in the Institute premises along with their duly signed application, current curriculum vitae mentioning (1) Name (2) Father's Name (3) Date of Birth (4) Details of Qualification (5) Work Experience (6) Present Address for communication etc., supported with original certificates in proof of date of birth, education qualification, experience etc. with a Xerox copies thereof along with a passport size photograph.

    1. The Candidates will have to report for interview on 25-04-2019 latest up to 10:00 AM
    2. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
    3. Age relaxation will be given as per Govt. of India Rule.
    4. Appointment will be on contractual basis for a period of one year, likely to be extended.
    5. The Candidates will have no claim in future for employment under the Institute/ICMR.
    6. During the appointment can be terminated any time without any notice.

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