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    Tamil Nadu CM allocated 15 Crore for AYUSH Colleges

    Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa allocated Rs.15 crore for infrastructure development of Indian Medicine Colleges in the state.


    According to the Government notice, 

    Rs.1 crore is allocated for Govt. Siddha College, Palayamkottai, 
    Rs.3.52 crore for Govt. Siddha College, Chennai, 
    Rs.3 crore for Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College, Madurai,
    Rs.4.16 crore for Govt. Naturopathy and Yoga College, Chennai, 
    Rs.2.32 crore for Govt. Unani College, Chennai, and 
    Rs.1 crore for Govt. Ayurveda College, Kanyakumari.

    Chief Minister Jayalalithaa has also allocated Rs.12 crore towards creation of Research and Development Centre in all the colleges teaching Indian System of Medicine with a view to promote students and teachers participation in the initiative.

    The effort would help popularise Indian Medicine across the world with  the publication of related articles in the future.

    Source:  Economic Times

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