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  • Breaking News

    National Health Mission, Punjab requires Ayurvedic Medical Officers

    National Health Mission, Punjab invites online application from eligible candidates for filling up
    the following posts

    Name of the post: Ayurveda Medical Officer

    No. of posts: 361 Posts

    Qualification: BAMS

    Age: 18-38 years

    Salary: Rs.20,000 /- per month

    Application Fees: Candidates are requested to deposit requisite fee in any branch of Oriental Bank of Commerce from 20-01-2014 to 10-02-2014 up to 5.00pm.
    General Category - Rs.600 /-
    SC/ST and BC of Punjab - Rs.300 /-

    Method of Recruitment: Written test of 100 Marks shall be held and based upon the marks obtained in the test, merit list shall be prepared for all categories. Selection shall be made purely on the basis of written test only.

    Candidates are requested to submit their online applications on website http://bfuhs.ac.in from 20-01-2014 to 12-02-2014 up to 5.00 pm.

    Contact: Mrs. Deep Shikha, Manager, HRD
                  0172 - 4012019, 4012009

    More Details>>> on Eligibility, Qualification and Vacancy


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