Nexus - 2K25, India's largest International Homoeopathic Conference
MNR Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Sangareddy, Telangana in association with GHF and SAHYA organizes Nexus - 2K25, India's largest International Homoeopathic Conference
Date: 1st and 2nd February, 2025
Venue: MNR Auditorium, MNR University Campus, Sangareddy, Telangana
International Speakers:
1. Dr. Kim Jobst - UK
2. Dr. Elio Rossi - Italy
3. Dr. Martien Brands - Netherlands
4. Dr. Isaac Golden - Australia
5. Dr. Michel Kuzeff - Australia
6. Dr. Barbara Cawood - South Africa
7. Dr. Santhosh Kumar - Abu Dhabi
8. Dr. De Canha Sayers Bianca - South Africa
9. Dr. Leiah Golden - Australia
10. Dr. Sivang Swaminarayan - Gujarat
11. Dr. Farokh J Master - Mumbai
12. Dr S G Biju - Kerala
13. Dr. Vrushali Saraswath - Mumbai
14. Dr. Subhash Singh - Kolkata
15. Dr. Kushali P Gambhir - Chennai
Delegate Fee Details:
- UG Students and Interns - Rs.2500 /-
- PG Students and Doctors - Rs.3000 /-
- Poster Presentation - Delegate Fee + Rs.1000/-
Bank Details:
Account Number - 50200027044430 Bank Name - HDFC Bank
Branch Address - Sangareddy
IFSC Code - HDFC0000813
Last Date for Registration: 15-01-2025
Contact Details:
For Registration:
Dr. Sukhadev Vaidya - +91-9738777798
Dr. Sriharitha Reddy - +91-9492282725
Dr. Sneha Bevinamarad - +91-9518 522743
Dr. Ch.K.Suman - +91-9866769814
Dr. Ch.Sridhar - +91-9972 909 470
Dr. Syed Abid - +91-8919301298
Paper Presentation:
Dr. D.Saritha - +91-7337409156
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