Domain Expert, Consultants, SRF Vacancy in CCRAS
Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), invites applications from eligible candidates for Walk in interview for the following posts
1. Domain Expert (Ayurueda) - 01 post
2. Domain Expert (Ayurueda - Dravyaguna) - 01 post
3. Consultant (Ayurveda) - 01 post
4. Consultant (Ayurveda) - panel to meet future requirement
5. Consultant (Technical) - O1 post
6. Consultant (Scientific Writer) - 01 post
7. Senior Research Fellow (Ayurveda) - 01 post
Qualification: BAMS / MD (Ayurveda) / PG Degree in Ayush
Salary: Rs.42,000/- to Rs.70,000/-
How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates can attend the walk in interview / online interview with attested copies of original and two passport size photograph
Date and Time of Interview: Refer Notification
Ayush Auditorium,
First Floor of the Council.
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