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    Teaching Faculty Vacancy in NEIAH, Shillong

     homoeopathy jobs

    North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda and Homoeopathy (NEIAH), Shillong invites applications from Indian Citizens for the following posts

    In Homoeopathy College
    1. Professor - 05 posts (Repertory - 1, Anatomy - 01, Physiology - 01, OBG - 01, Surgery - 01)

    2. Reader - 02 posts (Physiology - 1, Anatomy - 1)

    3. Lecturer - 01 post (Pathology - 1)

    In Ayurveda College

    1. Professor - 05 posts

    2. Associate Professor - 03 posts

    3. Lecturer - 01 post

    How To Apply:  The selection will be made through Walk-in Interview scheduled to be held at 
    Office of the Director, 
    NEIAH, Mawdiangdiang, 

    Date of Interview: 16-08-2024 from 10:30 am onwards.

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