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    JRF, Project Assistant Jobs in CCRH Unit, Agartala

    ccrh job

    Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH), New Delhi invites applications from eligible candidates for filing up of the following post in the Regional Research Institute, Agartala

    1. Junior Research Fellow (Homoeopathy) - 04 posts

    2. Project Assistant - 01 post 

    • JRF - Rs. 31,000 + HRA
    • Project Assistant - Rs  25,000 /-

    Age: Not more than 35 years as on date of interview

    Qualification: BHMS from a recogrr.ized Statutory Board/Council/University.
    Enrolment on the Central Register of CCH or State Register of Homoeopathy.

    Note: Candidates having MD qualification included in the 2 Schedule to Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 OR BHMS with 03(three) Years research experince as JRF/SRF can be considered for Senior Research Fellowship with remuneration of Rs. 35,000/- + HRA per month depending upon the requirement of the council.

    Date of Interview and Reporting time: 19-05-2023, 9.30 am to 10 am

    Venue of Interview:
    Reglonal Research lnstitute (H)
    Joy Krishna Kobra Para Road,
    Khumulwng, Jirania,
    Agartala, Tripura (W), - 799045
    (Tele: 0381-2530077)

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