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    Ayush Senior Medical Officer, Medical Officer, Yoga Instructor Vacancy in AIIMS, Rishikesh

    ayushAll India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh, invites online applications from suitable candidates for filling the following posts on direct recruitment basis

    1. Senior Medical Officer (AYUSH) Group - A

    No. Of Posts: 1 Post (UR-1)

    Age: 25-40 Years

    Salary: Level 11 of Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC (Rs. 67700 - 208700/-)+NPA

    1. A degree in any of the five streams of AYUSH from a Recognized University/Statutory State Board/Council/Faculty of Indian Medicine or equivalent recognized under the relevant council
    2. Enrolment on the Central Register of that stream in Central or State Register of Indian Medicine
    3. Experience: Five years clinical and/or teaching experience in a recognized hospital/teaching institution
    Desirable: A postgraduate degree in any of the five streams of AYUSH from a Recognized University/Statutory/State/Board/Council/Faculty of Indian Medicine

    2. Medical Officer AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha & Homeopathy) Group-A

    No. Of Posts: 5 Posts (UR-04, OBC-01)

    Age: 21-35 Years

    Salary: (Level 10 of Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC (Rs. 56100- 177500/-)+NPA

    1. A degree in relevant stream of AYUSH from a Recognized University/Statutory, State Board/Council/Faculty of Indian Medicine or equivalent recognized under the relevant council
    2. Enrolment on the Central Register of that stream in Central or State Register of lndian Medicine
    3. Experience : 3 years clinical and/or teaching experience in a recognized hospital/teaching institution
    Desirable: A postgraduate degree in relevant stream of AYUSH from a Recognized University/Statutory/State/Board/Council/Faculty of Indian Medicine

    3. Yoga lnstructor

    Salary: Level 7 as per 7h CPC (Rs. 44900-142400)

    Age: Between 21-35 years of age

    Eligibility: Graduate from a recognized University with. Diploma in yoga from a recognized University by the Government.
    Graduate in Yoga science from a recognized university

    The detailed advertisement and Online applications forms are available in the website: http://aiimsrishikesh.edu.in

    Application Fees:
    For candidates of Uttrakhand Domicile - UR - Rs.1500, OBC - Rs.750
    For Candidates other than Uttrakhand  - UR - Rs.3000, OBC - Rs.1500

    Last date for submission of application: 27-03-2023

    Note: The Candidates who had already successfully applied (with applicable application fees) in response to earlier advertisement in 2019 Need Not to apply again.

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