Teaching Faculty Vacancy in OMAR Homoeo Medical College, Jalna
OMAR Homoeopathy Medical College &
OMAR Homoeopathy Medical College &
OMAR Homoeopathy Medical College & Research Centre, Jalna, Maharashtra invites eligible candidates for the following teaching faculty post
1. Principal - 01 post
2. Professor / Associate professor - 07 posts (Physiology - 01, Organon - 01, Materia Medica - 01, Pathology - 01, FMT - 01, Medicine - 01, Repertory - 01)
3. Associate Professor - 09 posts (Anatomy - 01, Materia Medica - 01, Organon - 01, Pharmacy - 01, Medicine - 01, Surgery - 01, OBG - 01, Community Medicine - 01, Repertory - 01)
4. Assistant Professor - 12 posts (All 12 Subjects)
Qualification: As per NCH Norms
Salary: As per rules
How to Apply: Application along-with attested copies of all relevant Certificates must reach to
The Secretary,
JIIU’s OMAR Homoeopathy Medical College & Research Centre,
Rajni, Tal. Ghansawangi,
Dist. Jalna - 431 207
Email: omarhmc20@gmail.com
Website: www.ohmch.org
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