Efficacy of Homoeopathy in the Prevention of Epidemic Diseases and Cure
By Dr.Aparna Balantrapu
Homoeopathic medicine and immunology are historically as well as conceptually linked. Both had been originated at the end of 18th century. At the same time as,
The concept that the sick person reacts differently to medications than the healthy one, which has to be established empirically by therapeutic trails, also played a role in Hahnemann’s thinking.
The profound analogies between homoeopathic thought and immunology stem from the fact that all Homoeopathic theory is fundamentally based on the principle of endogenous healing mechanism, best known of which is certainly the immune system and its neuro endocrine associations.
Homoeopathy medicines have an immunomodulatory effects. Immunomodulatory refers to an ability to augment the immune system response when it needs to be stimulated and to depress an already over stimulated immune system.
The basic problem of disease causation revolves round the answer to specific questions, is a specific illness caused by invasion of microorganisms or is the bacteria and viruses only secondary to primary internal disorder?
As for the instance, experimental evidence has established beyond doubt that a specific illness can be produced by inoculating an organism with a strain of virulent bacteria, we are reminded of classical clinical experiment of German doctor Pettenkoffer, who swallowed a tubeful of culture of living cholera vibrios and nothing happened in the way damage to his health through manifestation of symptoms as found in clinical case of cholera. Nowadays people live in smoky atmosphere inhaling millions of tubercle bacilli, with each breath but remain free from clinical development of TB. This apparent contradiction is now explained away by the variable factor of individual predisposition of susceptibility and resistance a fact pointed out by Hahnemann, with his discovery of the nature of chronic disease.
We have to accept the existence of supraphysical dynamis which contribute to livingness in living organism. This dynamis or life principle possess some distinctive features , one of which is its power maintaining integrity of living being , mentally, vitally, physically in midst of an environment which is always acting on the former with forces helpful or harmful as case may be.
Life force does not yield to outer forces mechanically or passively, always reacts to them with an attempt at maintaining the equilibrium.
About the course of infection
First: Time of infection
Secondly: the period of time during which the whole organism is penetrated by disease infused until it has developed within.
Thirdly.Breaking of external ailment, whereby nature externally demonstrate the completion of internal development of miasmatic malady throughout the whole organism.
Hahnemann discovery of specific preservative remedy for Scarlatina. 1799.
In his Lesser writings,, Hahnemann had mentioned the discovery . Women had received a bed pane from a semptress (tailor), without her knowledge that, tailor had a boy in her small chamber just recovered from scarlet fever. She had smell a bed pane in order to ascertain, whether it might not have any bad smell. She could detect nothing. She laid it beside her on pillow, after somer hours later she had lay down for her afternoons nap. A week subsequently she suddenly fell ill.
Hahnemann had found her in the morning with pressive headache, dimness of vision, slimy tongue, some ptyalism, submaxillary glands hard. Shooting pains in the throat, on swallowing. She had not the slightest thirst, her pulse was quick and small, breathing hurried and anxious, she felt as if could speak only in whisper. Her look was dull and yet starring eyelids inordinately wide open, face pale.
Hahnemann resolved in this case of scarlet fever, just in the act of breaking out, not to act as usual in reference to individual symptoms, but if possible in accordance with his new synthetic principle, to obtain a remedy whose peculiar mode of action was calculated to produce in healthy body, most of the morbid symptoms which Hahnemann observed in combined disease.
It alone could fulfill most of the indications of this disease seeing in its primary action, it has according to Hahnemann observations, a tendency to excite even in healthy persons, great dejection, pusillanimity, dull stating stupid look with inordinately opened eyelids obscuration of vision, coldness and paleness of face , want of thirst , excessively small rapid pulse, paralytic immobility of limbs, obstructed swallowing with shooting pain in parotid glands, pressive headache, constructive pain in abdomen , become intolerable in any other posture of body besides bending forward, rigors and heat of certain parts.
This was a case of approaching scarlet fever as Hahnemann considered was most probable, the subsequent effects peculiar to this plant Belladonna. Belladonna displays a valuable specific power in removing the after suffering remaining from scarlet fever. Hahnemann advised to keep to their usual drinks , food and ordinary recreation and exercise in open air
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in his Lesser writings, In the friend of health says that during the prevalence of contagious diseases ,air concentrated fumigations for the supposed purification of air, without driving away the disease spreading Miasm, this is just like the old superstition of hanging in eagle stone at hip of woman in labor , at the very moment when all hopes of saving her, even by forceps are over.
When visiting the patient, endeavor to maintain over mind and body in good equilibrium, we must not permit ourselves to be acted on by debilitating emotions, excess in venery, anger, grief, care, over exertion of mind of all sorts, over great promoters of infection. Hahnemann gave a girl of ten years of age, who already affected by the 1st symptoms of scarlet fever, a dose of medicine, [1/432, 000th part of given extract of belladonna], the following day, she was lively, ate and played, complained of nothing. The other five children of family perfectly free from infection, Hahnemann reasoned thus a remedy that is capable of quickly checking in its onset, must be preventive.
It is only by stirring that a liquid medicine obtains the largest number of points of contact for living fiber.
The patient is to get one or two globules of finest preparation of copper, cuprum x, moistened with water and introduced into his mouth every hour or every half an hour until vomiting and purging, diminish, warmth rest restored.
Similar good effect result from the administration of as small a portion of white hellebore ( veratrum albumx) , but preparation of copper is much to be preferred and is more serviceable and sometimes a single dose is sufficient, which is allowed to act without a second being given as long as the patients state goes on improving.
But nothing else at all must be given beside no other medicine, herb tea, no baths, no fumigations, no venesections, otherwise the remedy will be of no avail. The above preparation of copper together with good and moderate diet and proper attention to cleanliness.
● Those in health should take once every week a small globule of it (cuprumx) in the morning and not drinking anything immediately afterwards, but when latter is taken, the vapour of camphor must be avoided, as it suspends action of copper.
Hahnemann describes the use of Bryonia alba, and Hyoscyamus niger or Rhus tox as homoeo medicines to epidemic genius prescribed single or in alternation according to symptoms in each stage of disease ) in treatment of epidemic typhus in 1813.
KENT View on Homeoprophylaxis
He proposes to carefully observe 20 patients effected by an epidemic disease , recording all symptoms in a schematic way , that when addressed collectively will present one image as if one man had expressed all symptoms , by placing before each symptom the number of patients exhibiting them, the homoeopath will be able to find out the essential features of epidemic (nature of disease) through the common pathognomic symptoms ) and characteristic peculiar symptomatic totalites with the help of homoeo repertory,then he will select 6or 7 medicines covering the symptomatic totality of given epidemic ( group of remedies of epidemic genius) defines the individual picture of each remedy through study of materia Medica.
When a violent epidemic is raging, we suppose and probably rightly, that a large number of immune have escaped, because they were usually strong and vigorous Or in a state of a very good order, but we fixed among those who have escaped the epidemic a number of persons, who are anything but strong really invalids, one in consumption another in late stages of bright disease, another with diabetes, they have not been susceptible to epidemic influences.
The reason is that they have sickness that it is impossible for epidemic to suppress. The epidemic is allopathic or dissimilar to diseases and cannot suppress their disease because of its virulency.
HERINGS Contribution: In 1830 Hering proposed the use of hydrophobinum for the prevention of rabies. Variolinum for prevention of small pox and psorine for prevention of itch miasm
BOENNINGHAUSEN Contribution: The Barons first experience was successful use of Thuja as Genus epidemicus remedy for prevention and treatment of small pox. The decidedly favourable results caused him not only to use the same remedy in small pox patients, but also in several houses where small pox broken out. As a prophylactic and also here the result was favourable and no case came to his knowledge after using Thuja, any other member of family had been infected.
After his experiment with Thuja, Baron went on test HERINGS idea of nosode from the small pox virus. This variolinum he found that nosode made from small pox was very successful in preventing disease.
Dr. BURNET: He have been habit of using vaccine matter for last 9 years (vaccinium) 30 homoeo centismal potency, whenever small pox was about and far not seen any one so far treated with variola.
WILLIAM BOERICKE: Baptisia has a prophylactic power over typhoid, clears the carriers of disease and could be service in typhoid vaccinosis caused by Orthodox immunization.
DOROTHY SHEPHERD: Nosodes of disease products of actual disease are often most active preventives. She did clinical trials at boarding schools, where epidemics were rampant, also confirmed the effectiveness of nosode pertussin in prevention and treatment of cough.
H.C. ALLEN. As a prevention or protection against small pox variolinum 200 is far superior to crude vaccination and safe from sequele of septic and tubercular infection.
Dr .WHEELER : Nosode in 30th potency will provide protection from specific infectious disease for atleast a fortnight.
C.M.BOGER : Variolinum ,small pox nosode have been tested, even allowing vaccinated persons under its influence to nurse and sleep with small pox victim , the children of the family doing the same, out of more than a dozen of such exposures have not had a single infection.
The term prophylaxis was coined in early 19th century combining Latin word pro meaning before and the Greek word Phulaxis (act of guarding).
Homoeoprophylaxis never causes anaphylaxis or shock, never results in secondary infection , never leaks in its wake serum or vaccine disease or any other severe reaction, simply protects surely and gently .Dr. ARTHUR HILL GRIMMER.
When we give an appropriate Homoeoprophylactic remedy against a targeted infectious disease remedy resonates energetically on same spectrum as the disease, the Homoeoprophylactic remedy will if sufficiently potentised remove any similar foregin or not- self material in the persons energetic system which resonates with the remedy and the disease, meaning vital force will be able to act with complete freedom in that particular energetic spectrum of person.
So, with homoeoprophylaxis whereby remedy removes the impediments that otherwise would prevent the vital force from responding to the energetic challenge if an infectious disease. Once the patient’s energetic spectrum is cleared in that area that resonates, or is similar to the energy of targeted infectious agent, thus showing vital force to deal immediately deal with any exposure to agent.
Homoeoprophylaxis provides no additives
Hahnemann in his Organon of Medicine has given the following instructions in aphorisms.
Aphorism 73: Hahnemann says about acute Epidemic disease, many persons with suffering from same cause identical origin identical disease process terminate in moderate period of time, contagious when they prevail in thick masses of human population , exciting cause ,calamities of wars, floods, inundations , famine.
Aphorism 100: In investigating the totality of symptoms of Epidemic and sporadic diseases , physician must anyway regard the pure picture of disease as if were something new and unknown , and careful examining it in all phrases, every prevailing disease is in respects a phenomenon of many unique character, differing vastly from previous epidemics.
Aphorism 101: Close observation of several cases of every such collective disease can become conversant with totality of signs and symptoms, however the carefully observing physician can however from examination of even 1st and 2nd symptoms patients characteristic portrait succeed in finding a suitable homeopathic remedy.
Aphorism 102: Whole extent of Epidemic disease and totality of its symptoms is obtained by complete survey of morbid picture, cannot be learned from one single patient, but only to be perfectly deduced and ascertain from sufferings of several patients of different constitution.
Aphorism 103: Epidemic diseases , acute character , psora must be investigated , as to whole sphere of symptoms, especially to psora , can only be ascertained from the observation of very many single patients affected with such a chronic disease , and without complete survey and collective picture of symptoms, the medicines capable of curing whole malady , homeopathically cannot be discovered,
Aphorism 104: Totality of symptoms, most difficult part of task accomplished, now has a picture of disease guide him to treatment, during treatment wishes to ascertain, at this fresh those that become ameliorated; what still remain and any new symptoms that may have supervened.
Aphorism 241: Each single epidemic is of peculiar uniform character, common to all individuals attacked when this character is found in totality of symptoms common to all, points to specific homeopathic remedy, suitable for all cases. If in such an epidemic intermittent fever, the1st paroxysm have been left uncured, or if the patient has been treated by improper allopathic treatment, latent psora becomes developed, medicine useful in 1st paroxysm no longer suitable.
Aphorism 244: A healthy man may become habituated to marshy districts remain in good health with a healthy regimen. Endemic intermittent fever would attack him on his 1st arrival, few doses of potentized cinchona with a well regulated mode of living can free from disease. Inspite of exercises, healthy intellectual, occupation and bodily regimen, if person not cured by few doses of Cinchona, then it is psora at root of disease. ANTIPSORIC TREATMENT when such patients move to dry mountainous region apparently recover, but still need antipsoric treatment. Psora has only returned to its latent state.
Methods of collection of data: Posted to SIR RONALD ROSS INSTITUTE OF TROPICAL AND COMMUNICABLE DISEASES, Nallakunta,[ FEVER HOSPITAL], at Nallakunta, HYDERABAD, in the month of February 2019 , at that time typhoid fever was more prevalent in pyrexia wards than any other fever, and also than any infectious diseases as per my survey in that hospital. So I had collected a study on typhoid fever as an Epidemic to find out Genus Epidemicus for typhoid fever.
Sampling procedure:
• 104 Cases had been studied, sample had been selected as a purposive sampling, only typhoid fever patients to find out Genus Epidemicus according to instructions given by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. The areas that I had taken these 104 cases in fever hospital are from Nallakunta, Tilaknagar, Amberpet, Chikkadpally, Mehaboob Nagar, Alinagar, East mardepally, Ramanthapur, Chadarghat, Nampally, Bilalnagar, Mustadpura, parsigutta, koti, mountopera, Medhipatnam, Rajendra nagar, Champapet, , Balajinagar, Ballingampally, Sasthipuram, Khairthabad, Borubanda, Yakkodpura, Ibrahimpatnam, Uppuguda, Tarban, Chanchalguda, L.B. Nagar, Old city, Miralmandi, Acchampet, Borubanda, Malakpet, Narayanaguda, jiyaguda.
• The following procedure had been done after collecting symptoms from these 104 cases to find out Genus Epidemicus:
• Chills ascending in 16 persons during fever
• Chills descending in 43 persons during fever
• Chills from back to spine to upper part of body 2 persons during fever.
• Chills from abdomen during fever 3 persons
• On drinking water chills used to appear in fever 11 persons
• After drinking water chills aggravate in fever 6 persons.
• On eating food chills appear in fever 2 persons
• Chills on putting the feet on the floor during fever 2 persons.
• Chills ameliorated by covering in 38 persons
• Chills more at night time 14 persons
• Fever more at night time 46 persons
• Fever more at evening 1 person
• Fever more at afternoon and at night time 1 person
• Fever more in the morning and evening 1 person
• Fever more at afternoon and evening 1 person.
• Fever more in afternoon 1 person.
• Loose stools watery in consistency during
• fever 1 person
• Passage of stool immediately after eating during fever 4 persons
• Loose stools on drinking water during fever 1 person
• No passage of stools during fever 2 persons.
• Nausea and vomiting during fever 45 persons.
• Pain over head region during fever 70 persons
• Thirst decreased during fever 32 persons
• Thirst more in 10 persons during fever
• Appetite diminished in 50 persons during fever
• Sleep diminished in 52 persons during fever
• Weakness during fever 55 persons
• Pains all over the body [ bone pains] 45 persons
• Pulse more in 70 persons.
• Cough with greenish yellow expectoration 1 person
• Cough with white expectoration 8 persons
• Cough with greenish white expectoration 3 persons
• Cough without expectoration 13 persons
• Heat from head to down 80 persons.
Totality of the symptoms constructed from the above data for Genus Epidemicus:
⮚ Chills, descending ; upper part of body to legs to spine to back
⮚ Chills , from back to spine to upper part of body
⮚ Chills > by covering
⮚ chills more at night
⮚ fever more at night
⮚ Pain over abdomen during fever
⮚ pain over head region during fever
⮚ On drinking water chills used to aggravate
⮚ Loose stools watery in consistency
⮚ Vomitings during fever and nausea also
⮚ Thirst decreased during fever
⮚ Appetite decreased during fever
⮚ Sleep decreased during fever
⮚ Weakness severe during fever
⮚ Cough during fever, no expectoration
⮚ Pains all over body sore and bruised during fever
⮚ Pulse rapid
From the above totality repertorization, using BBCR repertory
• FEVER- Pathological types- typhoid fever
• CIRCULATION- Pulse- Pulse- quick
• CHILL- Chill – descending
• CHILL- Chill , etc – time – night
• CHILL- Partial chill- on back- proceeding from
• CHILL – Shivering – in general
• CHILL- Chills , etc aggravation – drinking
• HEAT AND FEVER IN GENERAL- Partial heat – partial heat- head on- proceeding from
• HEAT AND FEVER IN GENERAL – Concomitants –appetite – aversion- food in general
• HEAT AND FEVER IN GENERAL – Concomitants –thirst – thirstlessness
• HEAT AND FEVER IN GENERAL – Concomitants – head –pain , headache
• HEAT AND FEVER IN GENERAL – Concomitants – Stomach- Stomach –pain in general
• HEAT AND FEVER IN GENERAL – Concomitants – nausea and vomiting- vomiting in general
• HEAT AND FEVER IN GENERAL- Concomitants – stool- diarrhoea
• HEAT AND FEVER IN GENERAL – Concomitants – cough – expectoration – without
• HEAT AND FEVER IN GENERAL- Concomitants – sleep - sleeplessness
• HEAT AND FEVER IN GENERAL- Concomitants – Sensations and generalities- exhaustion [weakness]
• HEAT AND FEVER IN GENERAL – Concomitants –bones- bones, pains.
Remedies obtained are Arsenic, Pulsatilla, Bryonia, Natrum mur, Phosphorus etc.
• Arsenic alb had been finalized and verified and administered to typhoid fever patients of sample size 30, of both sexes different age groups, from March to May 2019, at Dharmakiran Government Homoeopathic hospital Ramanthapur and follow up had been done. The areas, that I had taken 30 cases of typhoid are; Tilaknagar, Ramanthapur, Uppal, Hyathnagar, Amberpet, Nagole, Hastinapur, Kukatpally, Kothapet, Somajiguda, Bodduppal, Golnaka, L.B. Nagar , Tolichowk.
• ARSENIC ALBUM HAS BEEN FINALIZED AS GENUS EPIDEMICUS, because as typhoid is an intestinal fever, cause of fever due to contamination of food and water, faeco- oral route, arsenic works wonderfully. IN the repertorization arsenic covered many symptoms, borecike materia medica also indicates for typhoid fever. Prostration also arsenic works wonderfully.
• 3 months follow up.
• Simultaneously Arsenic Alb had been administered as a preventive in the month of May at Andhra Pradesh sample size of 23 persons of both sexes and different age groups in month of may 2019.
• 90% of cases had not suffered with reappearance of fever, after the administration of Genus Epidemicus, only three cases out of 30 had suffered with reappearance of fever after giving genus epidemicus.
• Preventive: Simultaneously preventive had been given in the month of may at GUDARIGUNTA, KAKINADA ANDHRAPRADESH, , typhoid exposed area, many are susceptible , family history of typhoid present. . For 23 persons ARSENIC ALB 200 3 DOSES HAS BEEN PRESCRIBED IN THE MONTH OF MAY 14/5/19. Follow up had been done for every 7 to 10 days, subtle appearance of cold, slight rise of temp, then sac lac for 1o days, automatically subsided the symptoms.
• Arsenic alb had shown preventive action. 90 % of the persons had shown subtle symptoms.
• Homoeopathy can prevent and can also treat Epidemic diseases, by administering Genus Epidemicus, by strictly following the instructions of our master Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. As the observations are obtained from limited number of samples in available time period. Further study should be carried taking larger sample size.
• I therefore conclude that Hahnemannian suggestions on Genus Epidemicus arequite relevant and effective in present era.
• In view of new and reemerging old infectious diseases in endemic and epidemic forms, homoeopathy can be utilised effectively by the authorities
• The effectiveness of homoeopathic preventive medicines needs further clinical, molecular, biological models in vitro studies as well.
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