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    Homoeopathy Physician Vacancy in ESIC Model Hospital, Indore

    homoeopathy jobs
    ESIC Hospital, Nanda Nagar, Indore
    invites eligible candidates for walk in interview for the following post

    Name of the post: Homoeopathy Physician

    No. of Post: 01 post

    1. Degree in Homeopathy from Recognised university/ Statutory Board / Council or equivalent recognised under HCC, SET 1973.
    2.Enrollment on the central register of Homeopathy or a State register of Homeopathy

    Duties: To work for 5 hours a day for 6 days a week.

    Age: Not exceeding 30 years

    Remuneration: Rs.50,000/- per month (consolidated)

    Date of Interview: 30-03-2022

    Registration Time: 09.15 AM to 11.00 AM

    Venue of walk in interview: 
    Conference Hall (Room No. 1),
    Ground Floor, ESIC Model Hospital,
    Nanda Nagar,
    Indore, Madhya Pradesh

    Website: www.esic.nic.in

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