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    Ph.D Homoeopathy Admission in Vinayaka Mission's Research Foundation, Salem

    phd homoeopathy

    Vinayaka Mission's Research Foundation (DU) Salem, invites applications for admission in the Ph.D. programme for the session April - 2022

    Faculty of Homoeopathy: Ph.D (Full-time / Part-time)

    How to Apply: Application can be downloaded from the website www.vinayakamission.com

    Duly filled in application has to be forwarded by the Head of the Department and the Head of the Institution, where the candidate intends to do research

    Candidates are requested to go through the list of vacancies available and approach the Institution and the Department as per their choice. They can discuss with the available Supervisors about doing the Ph.D Programme in the area of interest and the resources available 

    In addition to the above, the application is to be signed by the employer of the candidate, for applying to part time Ph.D programme. 


    Fees: The completely filled in application along with a DD of Rs.1,000/- (One thousand only) as application fee (DD drawn in favour of “VMRF(DU) PHD” payable at Salem) by superscribing on the envelope  “Application for admission into Ph.D programme in ______________” must be sent to 

    The Registrar,

    Vinayaka Mission‟s Research Foundation (DU)

    Sankari Main Road (NH-47),

    Ariyanoor, Salem - 636 308,


    Phone: 0427 – 2529700

    On the backside of the Demand Draft the candidate should write his/her Name, Application fee

    Date and mode of Entrance Examination, venue will be intimated after scrutinizing the applications

    The last date for submission of filled in applications: 14-03-2022

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