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    Advisory Council Members of National Commission for Homoeopathy

    ayushMinistry of Ayush, New Delhi has notified the following Advisory Council members for the National Commission for Homoeopathy and published on 27-09-2021 in the Gazette of India

    1. Chairperson of the National Commission for Homoeopathy - ex officio Chairperson

    2. All members of the National Commission for Homoeopathy - ex officio members

    3. Nominees

    • State:
    1. Andhra Pradesh - Dr. D. Samba Murthy, Professor, Govt. Homeopathic Medical College, Kadapa
    2. Punjab - Dr. Rachana Singh, Dean Homeopathy, Guru Ravidas Ayurveda University, Hoshiyarpur, Punjab
    3. Tamil Nadu - Dr. N. Karthikeyan, Principal, Government Homoeopathic Medical College, Thirumanglam, Madurai
    • Union Territory:
    1. Delhi - Dr. Anu Kapoor, Principal, Nehru Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, B-Block, Defense Colony, New Delhi

    4. Nominees of State Homoeopathy Medical Councils
    • State:
    1. Haryana State Homoeopathic Medical Council - Dr. Harparkash Sharma
    2. Travancore-Cochin Homeo Medical Council, Kerala - Dr. C. Sundaresan, Reshmi
    3. Council of Homeopathic System of Medicine, Punjab - Dr. Tejinder Pal Singh
    • Union Territory:
    1. Board of Homeopathic System of Medicine, Delhi - Dr. Kewal Krishna Juneja

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