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    Homoeopathy Teaching Faculty Job in Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra

    The Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra is a Deemed University and is inviting applications in a prescribed format for the following posts

    1. Assistant Professor - 03 posts (Medicine - 1, Community Medicine - 1, Repertory - 1)

    2. Associate Professor - 05 posts (Medicine - 1, Community Medicine - 1, Repertory - 1, Gynaecology - 1, Surgery - 1)

    Qualification: As per CCH / AYUSH Norms

    Salary: As per Funding Society

    Reservation: Reservation is applicable as per the norms of the State or Central Government of India

    How to Apply: Interested candidates may visit the Institute's website www.dei.ac.in and submit online application by direct remittance of fee at any State Bank of India branch or through online payment using SBI internet banking or through Credit / Debit Card (Master or Visa approved)

    Registration fee: 

    Rs. 125/- for General category candidates 

    Rs. 62.50/- for reserved category.

    Last Date for submission of application: 13-03-2021 (Saturday)

    Date and Time of Interview: Eligible candidates are required to appear for seminar cum presentation / interview on 17-03-2021 (Wednesday) at 10.00 am

    Download Notification>>>


    Principal - 8219834117 

    Registrar - 0562-2570372

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