Homoeopathic Physician Job in NALCO, Odisha
The National Aluminium Company, (NALCO) Koraput, Odisha, invites application from eligible candidates for walk in interview for filling the following post
Name of the Post: Homeopathic Doctors
No of Post: 01 post
a) Degree in Homeopathy from a recognized University/ Statutory State Board/ Council/ Faculty of Indian Medicine or equivalent under Indian Central Council Act, 1970 & having valid registration with Central/State Council of Indian Medicine.
b) Minimum 10 years experience in Govt. Hospitals/ Institutions/ Dispensaries/ PSUs/ Private Sector/ Charitable Hospitals/ Dispensaries/ Private Practice.
Age: Not more than 57 years
Salary: Rs.26,000/- per month
Selection Procedure: Will be Based on either Written Exam / Interview
How to Apply:
Interested candidates satisfying the above criteria may appear for Walk-In interview along with the application in the specified format enclosing therewith copies of certificates / testimonials etc. on 16-03-2021 (Tuesday) 10 AM
Venue of Walk in Interview:
HRD Centre, Alumina Refinery,
NALCO, Damanjodi,
Odisha - 763008
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