Ayush Medical Officer Job in Angul District, Odisha
Zilla Swasthya Samiti, Angul District, Odisha invites Appication forms from suitable candidates for the following posts
Name of the Post: Medical Officer (RBSK)
No. Of Posts: 08 posts (Ayurveda - 3, Homoeopathy - 5)
Qualification: BAMS / BHMS
Age: 21 - 37 yrs
Salary: Rs. 23020 plus PI
How to Apply: Candidates are required to submit duly signed and filled forms complete in all respects to the given address along with all relevant documents and send it by Reg/Speed post only to District Training Unit, DHH Angul.
Last Date for submission of Application: 03-11-2020
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Website: www.angul.nic.in
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