Senior Research Fellow Vacancy in CCRH, New Delhi
Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH), invites applications from eligible candidates for filling up of the following post
No. of posts: 19 posts
(Unreserved - 10, SC - 02, ST - 01, OBC - 05, EWS - 01)
Age: Not exceeding 35 years.
Educational and other Qualilications:
(i) M.D. in Homoeopathy from a recogrized Statutory Board/Council/university included in the Second Schedule to the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973.
(ii) Enrolment on the Central Register of CCH or State Register of Homoeopathy.
(i) Degree in Homoeopathy from a recogrized university or institute.
(ii) Enrolment on the Central Register of CCH or State Register of Homoeopathy
(iii) 03 years research experience
Salary: Rs.35,000 + HRA
Date and time of Interview: 27-10-2020 at 09.30am
Venue of Interview:
Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy,
61-65, InstitutionalArea, Opposite D-Bloclq Janakpuri,
New Delhi - 110058
Place of Posting:
1. CCRH Hqrs
2. DDPRCRI (H), Noida
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