Ayush Medical Officer Vacancy in Surat Municipal Corporation
Surat Municipal Corporation, Gujarat invites applications from interested and eligible candidates for the following posts
Name of the Post: Medical Officer (Ayush)
- B.H.M.S. / M.D. (Homeopathic) or DHMS,
- B.A.M.S. / M.D. (Ayurveda)
(Candidate has to submit the registration as well as renewal certificate of Gujarat Homeopathy Council / Gujarat Ayurvedic Council)
Salary: Rs. 50,000 / - per month
How to Apply: Candidates with suitable qualifications for the following cadre for the purpose of making and waiting list should submit the original certificates at
Room No. 114, Central Establishment (Recruitment) Department,
Surat Municipal Corporation Head Office
Last Date for Submission of Application: 20-08-2020
Website: https://www.suratmunicipal.gov.in
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