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    Naturopathy Teaching Faculty Vacancy in Gudiyattam Educational Trust

    naturopathy jobs
    Gudiyattam Educational Trust  invites applications from Naturopathy Professionals for the following teaching faculty posts in the upcoming new Naturopathy and Yoga Medical College

    1. Principal

    2. Associate Professor

    3. Assistant Professor / Lecturer

    4. Tutor

    Qualification: N.D. (OSM) / BNYS / MD-Yoga / Naturopathy. 
    Preference will be given for those with maximum years of teaching experience and additional qualification of Msc., physiology, Anatomy / Biochemistry.

    How to Apply: Send the Bio-data along with a copy of degree certificate, registration certificate, teaching experience, recent passport size photo and send it to
    The Chairman,
    Gudiyattam Educational Trust,
    Gudiyattam - 635806 
    (Gudiyattam Polytechnic College Campus)

    or send through email at: 743gpc@gmail.com

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