Ayush Medical Officer Recruitment in DHS, Gir Somnath, Gujarat
District Health Society, Gir Somnath, Gujarat invites application from eligible candidates for the recruitment of following vacancies in various programs of NHM or MUHM or RBSK and other programs
Name of the Post: Ayush Medical Officer
No Of Posts: 11 (RBSK - 09, UPHC - 02)
Qualification: BAMS / BHMS
Salary: Rs.25000 /- per month
Selection Process: Candidates selection is based on merit in qualifications, certificates verification and interview. Short listed candidates will be called for certificates verification and interview.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates can download the application form through the official notification and send it to the email address dhsgirrecruitment@gmail.com
Last date to submission of application form: 18-04-2020
Website: https://girsomnath.nic.in
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