Director General Vacancy in CCRH, New Delhi
Ministry of Ayush, invites applications in the prescribed format for filling up of one post of Director General in the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH), New Delhi
Salary: Rs.1,44,200 - 2,18,200 (Level-14 of Pay Matrix)+ NPA and other usual allowances, admissible as per Central Government Rules through selection method
Age: Maximum Age Limit Not exceeding 56 years as on the last date of submission of application
Eligibility: Officers of the Central/ State Government/ Autonomous Bodies/ Research Institutions/ Public Sector undertakings/Semi-Government/Statutory or Autonomous Organizations funded by the Government
Essential qualifications:
1. PG Degree in Homoeopathy included in the 2nd Schedule of Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973
2. Enrolment in the Central/ State Register of Homoeopathy
3. 20 years' experience in Research and/ or Teaching in a Group A level post having:
(i) a minimum three years regular service in a post in PB-4 with GP of Rs.8700/- or equivalent/corresponding pay scale as applicable to the post.
(ii) eight years regular service in a post in PB-3 with GP of Rs.7600/- or equivalent/ corresponding pay scales as applicable to the post.
4. Quality research work published in peer reviewed research journal
Desirable qualifications:
1. Administrative experience in the field of Homoeopathy in Central/ State Government/Autonomous Bodies.
2. Ph.D qualification in Homoeopathy
The eligible and interested candidates may send their application in the prescribed format through proper channel sq as to reach the undersigned within two months from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News. While forwarding the application, it may be ensured by the sponsoring authority that the particulars of the candidate are verified, and he fulfills the prescribed eligibility criteria
Application form can also be obtained from Research Desk, Room No. 7, Ground floor, B-Block, GPO Complex, AYUSH Bhawan, Behind INA Market New Delhi-110023 by request in person or through post or can be down-loaded from this Ministry's Website:
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