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    PhD in Homoeopathy and Ayurveda in Parul University, Gujarat

    parul university
    Parul University, Gujarat, invites online applications from eligible candidates for admission to PhD Programme in Homoeopathy and Ayurveda 2020-21.

    The admission will be based on the following:
    1. Online Written Test (2hrs) at the University campus consisting of 100 multiple choice questions in the following manner:
    a. Research Methodology - 50 Marks
    b. Subject Specific - 50 Marks

    NOTE: The Candidate/s who have qualified UGC-NET (Including JRF)/UGC-CSIR NET (including JRF)/SLET/GATE/teacher fellowship holder or have passed M.Phil programme shall appear for the PhD Entrance Test of 50 marks of 1hr duration comprising MCQ based Research Methodology only.

    2. Viva consisting of 50 marks in the following manner
    a. Personal Interview
    b. Brief Presentation using teaching aids about the proposed research topic

    The merit list will be prepared based on the performance in both (1) and (2) above.
    Online admission forms may be obtained from the University admission portal www.puadmission.in

    Last Date for Online Application: 31-3-2020

    Date of announcement of list of eligible candidates: 22-4-2020

    Date of Written Test: 24-4-2020 (10:00 AM)

    Date of Personal Interview and Presentation: 
    Ayurveda - 24-4-2020
    Homoeopathy - 28-4-2020

    Announcement of the list of selected candidates: 18-5-2020

    Commencement of semester and last date for payment of fees: 15-6-2020

    Selected candidates have to pay Rs.35,000/- as fees for the first semester and for faculty of Ayurveda Rs.1,00,000 fees (Rs.25000 Registration Fees) every year

    Any clarification in this regard may be obtained from Dr.A.K.Gangawane on 02668-260300/359

    Email: deputyregistrar_ac@paruluniversity.ac.in

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