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    Teaching Faculty Vacancy in R.R.Patil College of Homoeopathy, Sangli, Maharashtra

    Shri. Tatyasaheb Ghatage Charitable Trust's Hon. R. R. Patil College of Homoeopathy and Hospital and Research Center, Sangli, invites applications in the prescribed format, from the eligible candidates for the following posts

    Name of the Post:
    1. Principal
    2. Professor
    3. Associate Professor (Reader)
    4. Assistant Professor (Lecturer)

    Requisite Qualification, Experience, Other details and prescribed application
    format are available on University website www.muhs.ac.in

    Last date of application: 22-11-2019

    Clo. Dr. Ghatage Multi Speciality Hospital, P.G. Institute & Research Center,
    Sangli - Pune By Pass Highway, 
    Sangli 416 416

    Phone: 0233/2377275

    Email: drghatagehospital@rediffmail.com

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