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    Ayush MO Recruitment in zilla Swasthya Samiti, Ganjam

    Zilla Swasthya Samiti, Ganjam, Berhampur invites applications from the contractual employees of NHM working in the same post under OSH&FW Society in other district against the vacant post through In-house selection

    Name of the Post: 
    1. AYUSH M.O
    (Ayurvedic-04, Homoepatic-06)

    Date of Walk In Interview: 03.12.2019
    (Registration time from 10.00 AM to 
    11.30 AM)

    2. RBSK MHT 
    (Ayurvedic - M - 05, F - 13, Homeopathic - F - 07)

    Date of Walk In Interview: 04.12.2019
    (Registration time from 10.00 AM to 11.30 AM)

    Venue of Interview: 
    IEC Hall, O/O CDM & PHO, 
    Ganjam,Opp. City Hospital, 

    Interested candidates may log on to https://ganjam.nic.in for details

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