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    Tamil Nadu MD Siddha Admission 2019 - Notification

    Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy, Chennai, invites application from eligible candidates for admission to Post Graduate Degree Course, MD (Siddha) for the academic session 2019-2020.

    Qualification: Candidates should possess a Degree in Siddha which finds place in Schedule III and IV of the IMCC Act 1970 of Central Council of Indian Medicine, New Delhi. A proof should be enclosed. Candidates should have registered their names with the Tamil Nadu Siddha Medical Council, Chennai. Candidates who have qualified from Universities other than the Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University, should submit the Eligibility Certificate obtained from Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University and enclose the same with the Application Form. Also Candidates should have qualified in the AIAPGET- 2019 for SIDDHA.

    Application forms and Prospectus may be downloaded from the website www.tnhealth.org from 12-10-2019 to 21-10-2019.

    Filled in downloaded applications along with enclosures should be submitted before the last date along with a crossed demand draft for the value of Rs.3,000/- (Rupees Three thousand only) towards the application fee. SC/SCA/ST candidates domiciled in Tamil Nadu are exempted from the payment of application fee of Rs.3,000/-. The crossed Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of ‘DIRECTOR OF INDIAN MEDICINE AND HOMOEOPATHY, CHENNAI 600 106’ made payable at CHENNAI from any Nationalized Bank obtained on or after 12-10-2019.

    The completed application together with enclosures should reach
    The Secretary,
    Selection Committee,
    Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy,
    Arignar Anna Government Hospital of Indian Medicine campus,
    Arumbakkam, Chennai 600 106.

    on or before 21-10-2019 upto 5.30pm

    For Details Visit www.tnhealth.org

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