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    NIEPID, Mumbai Invites Homoeo, Ayurveda Doctors for Lecturer Posts

    The National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities intends to empanel professionals/personnel as guest faculty/staff

    Name of the post: Lecturer in Medical Sciences
    Qualification: MD in Ayurvedic (OR) MD in Homoeopathy Medicine (OR) MBBS with 3 years experience, BHMS / BAMS with 5 years experience

    Place of Posting: NIEPID, Regional Center, Navi Mumbai

    Honorarium: Rs.550/- per session of 2 hours (Four sessions per day)

    Date of Interview: 30th September and October 1st 2019

    Venue of Interview: 
    NIEPID, RC Navi Mumbai 
    B-102, Vasundhara CHS Ltd. 
    Plot No. 13-14, Sector 8, Kharghar, 
    Navi Mumbai - 410 210 
    Tel. 022 - 2774 6889, 27743877, 27743983

    Candidates willing to work may attend the walk-in-interview duly completing the prescribed application format which is available on the Institute’s website along with documents supporting educational qualification, experience etc. and a DD of Rs.200/- favouring Director, NIEPID as fee. No fee required in case of SC/ST/PH Women candidates. The candidates should clearly write their name and position applied for on the reverse of the DD.

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