Homoeopathy Consultant Recruitment in Rashtrapati Bhawan, by CCRH
Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy(CCRH), intends to engage eligible candidates for filling up of the following post
Name of the Post: Consultant (Homoeopathy)
No. of posts: 02 (UR) (Male - 01, Female - 01)
Age: Not exceeding 40 years.
Educational and other Qualilications:
(i) PG in Homoeopathy as included in the Second Schedule to the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973
(ii) Enrolment on the Central Register of CCH or State Register of Homoeopathy.
Salary: Rs. 50,000 /-
Place of Posting: President's Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi.
Date and Time of Test and Interview: 14-09-2019 (Saturday) at 09.30am
Reporting Time: 09.30 to 10.30am
Venue of Test and Interview:
Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy
61-65 InstitutionalArea, Opposite D-Block Janakpuri,
New Delhi - 110058
No Advance Application need to be sent
Website: www.ccrhindia.nic.in
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