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    Prime Minister's Award for Outstanding Contribution towards Promotion & Development of Yoga, 2019

    yoga day
    Applications / nominations are invited for the Prime Minister's Award for Outstanding Contribution towards Promotion & Development of Yoga, 2019.

    An application can be made by the applicant directly or they may be nominated by a prominent
    yoga organization for consideration under this Award process.

    The Award has been instituted by Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India to be conferred on entities who have made significant and outstanding contribution towards the promotion and development of Yoga. The awards shall be announced on the occasion of 5th International Day of Yoga falling on 21st June, 2019. The details of Guidelines of Awards along with Application form may be accessed on http://ayush.gov.in.

    The applications/nominations in the prescribed format along with necessary supported documents should reach the Ministry on the e-mail id: ajj.kennedy35@gov.in and counter of Ministry of AYUSH by 15th May, 2019 (05:30 PM). Applications received only through e-mail and submitted with the Ministry over the counter or through post within the prescribed time and date shall be entertained for the award.

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