Compulsory National Teachers Eligibility Test Regulations Published in Official Gazette
Central Council of Homoeopathy regulations for National Teachers Eligibility Test Published in the Gazette of India on 27th February 2019 (come into force on the date of publication in the Official Gazette)
Accordingly National Teachers Eligibility Test (NTET) is compulsory for existing Assistant Professors and new appointments in Homoeopathy Medical Colleges
1. “12A. Qualification for promotion to the existing teaching staff—The existing teaching staff at the level of Assistant Professor or Lecturer shall pass the National Teachers Eligibility Test (NTET), within two years from the date of publication of this notification, for promotion to the post of Associate Professor or Reader.
12B. Selection of teaching staff— (1) The candidate who is having qualifications as laid down in Schedule VII, shall be entitled to appear in the National Teachers Eligibility Test for Homoeopathy to be conducted by the authority designated by the Central Government, before his appointment.
(2) The merit list, prepared on the basis of the result of the National Teachers Eligibility Test, shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of declaration of the result of the said test.
(3) The qualified candidates shall be allotted a unique verification code by the Central Council before their appointment.”
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