14 Teaching Faculty Vacancy in Dr.B.R.Sur Homoeo Medical College, New Delhi
Dr. B.R. SUR Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, New Delhi, Affiliated to Guru Govind Singh Indraprastha University invites eligible candidates for Walk-in-Interview for the following posts for Academic Session 2018-2019 and 2019-2020
Name of the Post: Part Time/Guest Faculty
(Anatomy - 02, Physiology - 03, Pathology - 01, Gynaecology & Obs - 01, Community Medicine - 01, Practice of Medicine - 01, Radiology - 02, Organon of Medicine - 01, Repertory - 01, Materia Medica -01)
Qualification: MD (Hom) / (Refer Advertisement)
Salary: Remuneration will be given along with applicable conveyance allowance, in accordance with the qualifications and experience as per approved rates and norms.
How to Apply: Interested persons may submit their detailed resume (with phone number and email id etc) on plain paper along with self attested photocopies of their certificates to the Principal, Dr B R Sur Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Nanak Pura, Moti Bagh, New Delhi-110021
Last Date for Submission of Application: on or before 31.01.2019
Date of Interview: 04-02-2019
Reporting Time: 9.00am
Time of Interview: 11.00 am
The selection shall be done by the designated committee on the basis of
personal interview. The decision of the committee shall be final.
No TA/DA shall be paid for appearing the interview.
Venue for Interview:
Office of the Principal,
Dr B R Sur Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital and Research Centre,
Nanakpura, Motibagh,
New Delhi - 110021
Ph. No.: 011-24105298
Fax No.: 011-24105299
Email: principal_shmc@yahoo.com
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