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    Homoeopathy Physician Vacancy in ESIC, Peenya, Bengaluru

    ESIC Model Hospital, Peenya, Bangalore invites candidates for walk-in interview for the following posts

    Advertisement no: No.492/A/12/13/Rectt/2014/Estt (VoI III)

    Name of the Post: Homoeopathy Physician

    No. of Post: One

    Qualification: BHMS with three years experience

    Age: Below 64 years as on 17-05-2018

    Salary: Rs.50,000 /- per Month

    Timing: 5hrs, 6 days a week

    Date of Interview: 17-05-2018

    Time of Interview: 10.45 - 11.45am

    Venue of Interview: 
    ESIC Hospital,
    Survey No. 11-55-1, Plot No. 1, 5th Main Road (FTI Campus), 
    Yeshwanthapur Suburb, Yeshwanthapur P.O., 
    BENGALURU - 560 022.

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