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  • Breaking News

    Hygeia Homoeo Klinic organizes National Homoeopathic Seminar - Chennai 2018

    National Homoeopathic Seminar - Chennai 2018 organized by Hygeia Homoeo Klinic, Trichy
    Topic: Homoeopathic Case Taking - An Art of Conversation
    Speaker: Dr.Shekhar.V.Alugundgi,
    Swara Sound of Soul, Mumbai

    Chief guest: Dr.R.Gnanasambandam, MD(Hom),
    President, TNHMC.

    Date: 21st and 22nd April, 2018 (Saturday and Sunday)
    5.Nana street, T.Nagar,
    Chennai-600 017.

    • To start up the conversation in an Introvert person,in a child,in old age and different ways one can apply while recelving a case.
    • Flexibility in case taking to understand the
    • basic energy patterms in each individual.
    • One can master the art of understanding the story behind the story- The Energy of Vital force.

    Registration Fees:
    Before 23-03-2018
    Students- Rs.1000/-

    After 23-03-2018 and Spot Registration
    Students -Rs.1200/-

    Mode of payment: By Cash/NEFT/DD to V.DIVYA, A/C No: 6540702513 [IFSC code; IDIB00OT048] INDIAN BANK, THIRUVERUMBUR BRANCH.TRICHY

    Note: Fees includes lunch, snacks and tea for 2 days. only limited seats. After payment, kindly inform to anyone of the mentioned doctors.
    Dr.Divya, B.H.M.S - 9843709069
    Dr.Kaavyashri, В.Н.М.S - 8124817491

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