Homoeopathy Physician Vacancy in ESIC Hospital, Indore
Employees' State Insurance Corporation Model Hospital, Nandanagar, Indore invites eligible candidates for walk-in interview for the following post
Name of the Post: Homoeopathic Physician
No. of Post: 1 Post (One)
Qualification: BHMS
Salary: Rs. 21,000/- per month
Age: Not more than 30 years
Date of Walk-in interview: 29-11-2017 and 30-11-2017at 09.30am
Venue of Interview: Room No. 2, Chamber of Medical Superintendent, Administrative Block, ESIC Model cum ODC Nanda Nagar, Indore
Venue of Interview: Room No. 2, Chamber of Medical Superintendent, Administrative Block, ESIC Model cum ODC Nanda Nagar, Indore
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