Teaching Faculty Jobs in National Homoeopathy Research Institute in Mental Health , Kerala
National Homoeopathy Research Institute in Mental Health (NHRIMH), Kottayam, Kerala, invites application for the following posts
Advt. No. 12/2017
1. Professor in Psychiatry (2 Posts)
Qualification : PG in Homoeopathy with three year teaching experience as Reader/Associate Professor in Psychiatry or MCI PG in psychiatry with three year experience as Reader/Associate Professor
Salary : Rs. 90,000
2. Professor in Practice of Medicine (2 Posts)
Qualification : PG in Homoeopathy with three year teaching experience as Reader/Associate Professor in Practice of Medicine or MCI PG in medicine with three year experience as Reader/Associate Professor
Salary : Rs. 90,000
3. Reader in Psychiatry (1 Post)
Qualification : PG in Homoeopathy with four year teaching experience as Assistant Professor /Lecturer in Psychiatry or MCI PG with teaching experience at UG level
Salary : 70,000
4. Reader in Practice of Medicine (1 Post)
Qualification : PG in Homoeopathy with four year teaching experience as Assistant Professor /Lecturer in Practice of Medicine or MCI PG with teaching experience at UG level
Salary : 70,000
5. Lecturer in Psychiatry (2 Post)
Qualification : Post graduate qualification in Homoeopathy preferably in the concerned subject
Salary : 50,000
6. Lecturer in Practice of Medicine (2 Post)
Qualification : Post graduate qualification in Homoeopathy preferably in the concerned subject
Salary : 50,000
Application Fee: Rs.500 in the form of DD in favour of The Director General, CCRH Payable at New Delhi
The eligible candidates can apply through Speed Post to
National Homoeopathy Research Institute in Mental Health – NHRIMH
Shivothampuram PO, Kurichi
Kottayam - 686532
Last date : 30-06-2017
Website: www.ccrhindia.nic.in
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