Research Associate Homoeopathy Vacancy in Sambalpur, Odisha
Central Council for Research in Homoeopaty, New Delhi invites application from eligible candidates for the following posts
Name of the Post: Research Associate (Homoeopathy)
No. of Posts: 5 Posts (UR – 4, OBC - 01) for NPCDCS Programme
Venue of Interview: Odisha Medical College of Homoeopathy and Research,
Debeipali, Po, Sason,
Sambalpur, Odisha - 768200
Debeipali, Po, Sason,
Sambalpur, Odisha - 768200
Qualification: MD in Homoeopathy
Age: Not more than 40 years
Remuneration: Rs.36,000/- plus HRA
Date and Time of interview: 28-03-2017 (Tuesday) at 10.30am
Reporting Time: 09.30am to 10.30am
and eligible candidates can attend the walk in interview with all the
original and self attested photocopies and passport size photograph
along with filled in application form
Place of Posting: Odisha Medical College of Homoeopathy and Research,
Debeipali, Po, Sason,
Sambalpur, Odisha - 768200
Place of Posting: Odisha Medical College of Homoeopathy and Research,
Debeipali, Po, Sason,
Sambalpur, Odisha - 768200
and Community Health Centres in Sambalpur District.
Application Form>>>
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