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    Siddha and Naturopathy Vacancy in Southern Railway

    Applications are invited for the following posts in Southern Railway on contractual / honorarium basis under the aegis of Central Staff Benefit Fund (CSBF). The practitioners shall be engaged by the Central Staff Benefit Fund Committee, 

    Name of the Post: Medical Practioner (Siddha and Yoga & Naturopathy)

    Experience: Five years

    Qualification: BSMS/BNYS

    Honorarium: Rs.17,500 per month

    Age: Not exceeding 63 years.

    The details of terms and conditions can be obtained from the undermentioned to whom the eligible and willing candidates can submit their application in the prescribed format. 

    Last date for receipt of completed applications: 06.06.2016 upto 17.00 hrs.

    Southern Railway and he/she shall not be considered as a Railway Employee. His/her engagement shall be purely on a temporary basis for a period of one year, 

    The engaged Practitioner shall be required to work in Dispensary at Perambur that will be kept open 4 hours a day (09.00 hrs. to 13.00 hrs.) 5 days in a week i.e. from Monday to Friday on all working days.
    Application completed in all respects should be super-scribed as "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF MEDICAL PRACTITIONER – SIDDHA / YOGA & NATUROPATHY in bold letters and sent to the following address:
    Further details Contact
    Senior Personnel Officer / Welfare,
    Personnel Branch, Headquarters Office,
    Southern Railway, 
    Park Town, Chennai – 600 003.

    Website: www.sr.indianrailways.gov.in

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