Homoeopathy Research Associate Vacancy in RRI, Jaipur
Central Council for Research in Homoeopaty, New Delhi invites application from eligible candidates for the following posts
Name of the Post: Research Associate (Homoeopathy)
No. of Posts: 2 Post (UR – 1, SC - 01)
Venue of Interview: Regional Research Institute (H),
Dr.M.P.Khuteta Rajasthan Homoeopathy M.C. and H,
Station Road, Jaipur,
Qualification: MD in Homoeopathy
Age: Not more than 40 years
Remuneration: Rs.36,000/- plus HRA
Date and Time of interview: 20-02-2016 (Saturday) at 10.30am
Reporting Time: 09.30am
Interested and eligible candidates can attend the walk in interview with all the original and self attested photocopies and passport size photograph along with filled in application form
Website: www.ccrhindia.org
Application Form>>>
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