Tamil Nadu Homoeopathy Council Proposes Barcode Certificates
In a bid to check quacks from practising homoeopathy by eliminating bogus certificates, the Tamil Nadu Homoeopathy Medical Council has proposed to issue 2D barcode certificates to those registered with the council from this month.
The proposal “to eliminate bogus certificates” was in line with the announcement made by the Chief Minister and required all the registered medical practitioners (both A and B Class), residing in the State to surrender their certificates to get the new barcode certificate, a recent notification of the Council stated.
All registered homoeopathy medical practitioners have to surrender their certificates along with filled in application form with a DD for Rs. 1000 (For UG Degree), and Rs.1500 (For PG Degree) drawn in favour of "The Registrar, Tamil Nadu Homoeopathy Medical Council, Chennai 600106" on or before 31-12-2016. “Those who do not change their certificates during will not be able to vote in the coming Central Council of Homoeopathy / State Council Election.
Further, the old Registration Certificates will not be valid from January 1, 2017,” the notification said.
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