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    Dr.Geethalakshmi appointed as Vice Chancellor of Dr.MGR Medical University

    CHENNAI: Director of medical education Dr.S.Geethalakshmi was on Monday (28-12-2015) appointed as the vice-chancellor of Dr.MGR Medical University, Chennai.

    Geethalakshmi, who is replacing incumbent Dr.D.Shantharam, will
    be the ninth VC of the university.

    Geethalakshmi has held various posts in the department of microbiology at Madras Medical College, Stanley Medical College and Kilpauk Medical College.

    After being the Dean in various government medical colleges, she was appointed the Director of Medical Education in 2014. She was also a member in various academic bodies and universities.

    The term of a VC is for three years.

    Source: Times of India

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