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    Inspection Team of CCH is dissatisfied with Homoeopathy College in Berhampur

    Pratap Kumar Pal, member of the Central Council for Homoeopathy (CCH) inspected the Biju Patnaik Homoeopathy College and Hospital in Berhampur to affiliate it for the next year.

    Inspector of CCH Pratap Kumar Pal, however, was not satisfied with the educational facilities provided in the college and even contemplated on cancelling its affiliation with the Berhampur University.

    Pal found that the Biju Patnaik Homoeopathy College and Hospital did not even have
    enough staff. Though there are 35 sanctioned teaching posts in the college, only seven teachers were running the 12 departments. At the same time, only one medical officers looked into the functioning of the hospital when the sanctioned number of posts was four.

    As per the college officials, three more non-teaching staff, one laboratory technician, four nurses, three medicine distributors, two watchmen, three attendants, two cooks were also needed for the smooth functioning of the hospital.

    Scrutinizing the educational facilities in the college, Pal said, “There is huge staff shortage in the college, which would be mentioned in the report. Now, the CCH will decide if the college should be affiliated for the next year or cancel its affiliation. The time limit which was given to the college to fill up the vacant posts last year has already lapsed.”

    According to the College principal, the higher authorities were informed to recruit more staff in the College and the Hospital.

    “Recently some staff was hired in the college on temporary basis. So we are hoping that the rest of the posts will be filled soon”, she added.

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